The subcompact TASER® PULSE is the perfect everyday self-defense stun gun that meets and exceeds law enforcement standards. Using replaceable one-time cartridges, the PULSE shoots two electrical probes up to 15 feet away that, once they strike a target and attach, will arc electricity through clothing and even some bullet-resistant materials. The shock can cause individuals to fall to the ground, have involuntary muscle contractions, freeze in place, experience vertigo, and more. What elicits these effects is the TASER’s ability to cause Neuromuscular Incapacitation by mimicking the body’s natural electrical impulses and disrupting them. This also means it is not dependent on pain to bring down targets like most other stun guns. Plus, when it is fired, 20-30 confetti-like Anti-felon ID tags will also be projected outwards to mark attackers or criminals so that they can be identified by law enforcement later if they escape. Furthermore, if you do happen to miss your target, there are two metal electrodes built into the front of the PULSE that works as a 50,000-volt contact stun gun as well. Simply press down the trigger and press the front of the TASER into an assailant’s body. The gun is also easy to use due to its ambidextrous build and built-in targeting laser for accurate aiming and flashlight for illuminating dark areas. On top of that, there is a safety switch that extends on both sides of the unit to prevent accidental discharges and, if the TASER is left armed for longer than 20 minutes without use, it will go into low power mode and not be able to fire for an added level of protection. Lastly, the compact PULSE runs on one (1) Lithium battery that provides up to 50 firings before needing to be replaced (see accessories) and TASER® provides a lifetime warranty that will replace the unit if it is lost during an attack (police report must be provided). MADE IN USA.
Package contains:
- One TASER Pulse
- Two live cartridges
- Lithium battery
- Conductive practice target
- One IWB Sticky Holster